the Services

… learn, grow, evolve.

the Services

Psychotherapy, Counselling & Supervision

55 mins |  $165 - $190

Career Counselling & Leadership Advising

55 mins |  $175-$325

Curriculum, Program, & Design & Development

Project Based Rates 

Psychotherapy, Counselling & Clinical Supervision

Psychotherapy is highly collaborative where we foster a deep sense of self-agency and forward movement in clients within the context of a supportive, responsive and safe relationship. Theoretically Reflexion Point therapy is grounded in Cognitive-Behavioural Theory (CBT), Acceptance & Compassion Therapy (ACT), and Attachment & Relationally oriented theories with a significant focus on practical application into all aspects of each clients’ lives. The therapeutic process is goal focused, participatory, and non-judgmental; with a whole human approach. The duration and frequency of therapy is unique to each client and is an ongoing discussion depending on each persons’ wants, needs, and circumstances.

Clinical Supervision is individual where the focus and frequency is dependent on client caseload, experience and needs of each therapist in addition to regulatory requirements. Topics related to clinical work ensuring therapist are practicing safely, effectively and ethically, clinical consultation, identified relevant topics, therapist, practice and business development & management all in a spirit of collegial support and compassion.

“When we protect ourselves so we don’t feel pain, that protection becomes like an armour, like armour that imprisons the softness of the heart.”

— Pema Chodron

Career Counselling & Leadership Advising

Work is a central part of our culture and also a considerable source of stress and that can overlap with someones mental health where issues can arise- burnout and acute & chronic stress. The space of career counselling, coaching and leadership advising is broad and it is important to work with someone who is knowledgeable, direct and has a candid approach. Harassment, employment investigation, administrative leave, stress leave and return to work planning following an absence are events that impact a persons ability to cope at work. .

Extensive practice experience with CEO, C-suite and Executive team leaders who often come from a socioeconomic positions of social affluence, academic leadership, and high profile and/or celebrity. This experience is crucial in the ability to connect, assess, and understand clients while appreciating the additional pressure and need for discretion in our work together.

Specific sectors of experience include: Health Care and First responders, finance, retail, manufacturing, telecommunications, academia, and Government

When people don’t know their value they’re hustling for their worth.”

— Brene Brown, 2019

Curriculums and Program Design & Development

Curriculums, workshops, and programs design and development are grounded in the principles and scientific findings of applied psychology. In Nel’s work in design and development, she considers the whole human experience where factors of biology, psychology, and social-environment are paramount both individually and interdependently.

Important design & development projects thus far have been in the Mental Health, HR, Career Development & Transition, Organizational Psychology (Corporate). Programs have ranged from 6-50 participants and include the management of services and/or training, supervision, and guidance of on-site facilitators.